27 Messages
506 Points
Please correct misplaced image type
These images are incorrectly tagged with the wrong type: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10345546/mediaviewer/rm4219397121/?ref_=ttmi_mi_all_6 and https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10345546/mediaviewer/rm2909856769/?ref_=ttmi_mi_all_8. Please change the first one from still to poster and the second one from publicity to poster.
Please fix the genre of this movie as well: #241224-201638-428000. I have submitted sources.
2.2K Messages
23.7K Points
2 months ago
Hi Germanic-
Thank you for the information! The incorrect image types on both has been corrected and the changes will be live on the site.
As per the genre, further reviewing, we consider the genre as factual therefore, it will not be removed.