When you go to Date of Birth, this is not what you get (It asks first for place):
Date of Birth
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When submitting/correcting a date of birth, in the explanation field you must include:
Links to public records,
Links to printed publications,
Links to official documents to accompany your submission
Do not put just text in this box as your submission will be rejected.
We do not remove valid dates of birth. However, if you're an IMDbPro member, you can chose whether your age or birth date are displayed by going to Edit Your Page -> Page controls.
Please note that a URL is mandatory on submission or alteration of birth dates.
Upload evidence
To help us verify your data, you can choose to upload evidence directly on IMDb. While doing so, you will need to re-login for your own security and paste the reference of the uploaded file in the explanation box below.
To update data for categories that aren't listed above, select this box
14.6K Messages
332.8K Points
2 months ago
There is a warning that you can acknowledge if you don't fill out the place field.
1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
2 months ago
When you go to Date of Birth, this is not what you get (It asks first for place):
Date of Birth
When submitting/correcting a date of birth, in the explanation field you must include:
Do not put just text in this box as your submission will be rejected.
We do not remove valid dates of birth. However, if you're an IMDbPro member, you can chose whether your age or birth date are displayed by going to Edit Your Page -> Page controls.
See here for more guidance on birth dates.
Please note that a URL is mandatory on submission or alteration of birth dates.
Upload evidence
To help us verify your data, you can choose to upload evidence directly on IMDb. While doing so, you will need to re-login for your own security and paste the reference of the uploaded file in the explanation box below.